Keywords: project, method, project management technology, project cost management, project expenditure management


The purpose. To carry out a comparative analysis of modern scientific methods and approaches of project management, as well as to consider the peculiarities of the project cost management process. Methods. The research used methods of systematization, generalization, and comparative analysis. The results. The article considers the peculiarities of the application of common project management technologies, namely the PRINCE2 method, the PMBoK guide and the international standard ISO 21500. Their comparative analysis was carried out according to several parameters, and the advantages and disadvantages of each were determined. Considerable research attention is focused on the project cost management process. Its main purpose and importance for achieving success is revealed. Defined the key opportunities provided by the application of scientific methods and approaches to expenditure management, and also identified the complexities involved in this. It is proposed to consider the process of project cost management as a set of four consecutive stages: planning the involvement of project resources, estimating their cost, drawing up a budget and controlling costs. It is noted that such scientific methods and approaches, the use of which will help to effectively manage costs and achieve project success, should be applied at each stage. More detailed attention was paid to the assessment of the project cost. The article describes such a method as earned volume management, which helps to evaluate the effectiveness of the project, using three key dimensions: planned, earned and actual cost. The approach of estimation of economic efficiency of attracting investment in the project are considered. The practical significance. The obtained research results can be applied in practical activities, which will enable project managers to choose management technology and improve the expenditure management process. The results of the conducted research have signs of scientific novelty, namely, the systematization of scientific methods and project management approaches was further developed, which, unlike the existing ones, was carried out in the context of comparison according to several parameters, which allows determining the advantages and disadvantages of using certain project management technologies; an improved approach to the analysis of the project expenditure management process, which, in contrast to existing, takes into account both the possibilities and difficulties of applying scientific methods and emphasizes the need to consider the current circumstances (uncertainty and complexity of the environment during the wartime events).


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How to Cite
Shapa, N., & Vecherov, V. (2023). OVERVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC METHODS AND APPROACHES OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND PROJECT COST ESTIMATION. Economic Scope, (188), 142-146. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/188-24