Keywords: digitalization, information technology, tourism enterprises, promotion strategy, service sector, tourism, business management, digital infrastructure, target audience


The relevance of the topic under study lies in the fact that in the current economic environment, for the effective management of an enterprise in the tourism business and in the service sector in general, the task of actively implementing a system of digital technological support and digital transformation in the tourism business segment is a necessary component of optimal communication with the target audience. Thus, for each business entity in the tourism sector, including not only the main players in business programs and projects, but also taking into account a wide range of targeted partnership agreements for the organization and support of the tourism product, it is important to determine the role and importance of information technology in the practice of enterprise management, taking into account the conditions for the development strategy. The purpose of the article is to consider and formulate, on the example of tourism enterprises, the essence and importance of the role of information technology in their management practice. The object of the study is the system-forming factors for determining and formulating the role of information technology in the management practice of tourism enterprises. The subject of the study is a set of theoretical and methodological foundations for defining the essence and formulating the role of information technology in the management practice of tourism enterprises. The methods of observation and comparison, synthesis and analysis, statistical methods, as well as graphical techniques were used in the course of the research. The article summarizes the arguments about the importance of the role of information technology in the management practice of tourism enterprises in the context of the crisis in the Ukrainian economy. The scientific theoretical, methodological, analytical and applied foundations of the essence and importance of information technologies at different stages of organization and functioning of the tourism business in modern economic conditions are systematized, taking into account periods of uncertainty and crisis in the Ukrainian economy. The results of the study can be useful for employees of the tourism sector, the service sector in general; researchers, teachers, students of higher education institutions, who study, in particular, the specialties "Tourism" and "Hotel and Restaurant Business".


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Meta Business Help Center. How to choose the right meta Ads manager objective. Available at:

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