Keywords: foreign investment, foreign direct investment, investment activity, assessment, economy, market, martial law


The article is devoted to an analysis of the state and prospects for attracting foreign direct investment into the Ukrainian economy under martial law. The essence of the concept of “foreign direct investment” explored and its characteristic features are determined. It established that in the legislative acts of Ukraine only the concept of “foreign investments” presented for consideration and their content described. The role of transnational companies at the present stage of attracting foreign investment to Ukraine outlined. A list of transnational companies operating in the domestic investment market provided. An analysis of the dynamics of foreign direct investment in Ukraine carried out based on the principle of direction. The unstable nature of cash flows revealed. It established that a significant part of foreign direct investment in the overall structure made up of those directed to Ukraine. However with the advent of war in 2022, the already not very high investment attractiveness of the Ukrainian economy decreased. This significantly complicated the economic situation in the country and significantly decreased its investment activity. An assessment was made of the scale of capital reinvestment in Ukraine through “round tripping” operations. Their unstable dynamics established and it revealed that the most significant volumes of foreign direct investment were directed to industries and institutions engaged in wholesale and retail trade. The main investor countries for round tripping operations presented, of which a significant part belongs to Cyprus and the Netherlands. Because of the study, factors identified that negatively affected the processes of foreign investment in Ukraine and related to the war and business rules. Recommendations developed that take into account general economic and institutional conditions for activating the foreign investment market in Ukraine. Separate effective mechanisms for their implementation presented. The need to formulate a state investment policy to further attract foreign investment into the Ukrainian economy for recovery after the war noted. This is due to the priority of restoring the domestic industrial and agricultural complex, increasing the country’s export potential by implementing strategies to overcome the economy’s dependence on imported energy resources, etc.


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How to Cite
Yevtushenko, N. (2023). FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT: STATUS AND DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS. Economic Scope, (188), 83-88.