Keywords: innovation, business, AI technologies, artificial intelligence, automation, management, risks


The article examines the issue of using artificial intelligence in the enterprise management system. The relevance of the use of artificial intelligence in the enterprise management system is manifested in its ability to transform and optimize key aspects of business. It is emphasized that the application of artificial intelligence technologies has become an integral part of successful business in the modern world. The integration of these technologies into the activities of enterprises helps to ensure competitive advantages and rise to a new level of competitiveness. Therefore, it is important for enterprises to be aware of the possibilities and prospects of integrating artificial intelligence technologies into their business and quickly adapt them to achieve success. As a conclusion, it is said that artificial intelligence is a powerful tool for implementation in business process management systems. This tool automates processes, increases efficiency, reduces costs and improves the quality of decision-making. However, it is important to consider the shortcomings and limitations associated with the availability of quality data and the integration of systems. The use of artificial intelligence requires careful planning and analysis, but can be a key success factor in business process management. In general, artificial intelligence has become an integral part of the modern world and can be successfully used in business process management systems. Its advantages include the ability to analyze large volumes of data, identify complex dependencies, and make objective decisions based on algorithms. Artificial intelligence automates routine management tasks, freeing up human resources for complex tasks that require creative thinking and a strategic approach. One of the successful examples of using AI in business process management is an image recognition system and machine learning for product quality control. This system recognizes product defects with high accuracy and speed, reducing the number of defects and increasing product quality. The use of AI also reduces costs, improves decision-making processes and promotes innovative development.


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How to Cite
Drynov, D., Zahorodnykh, V., & Zinchenko, O. (2023). ART APPLICATION OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN THE ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Economic Scope, (188), 79-82.