Keywords: enterprise competitiveness, factors, confectionery industry, price policy, product policy, advertising campaign


The article examines the marketing aspects of ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises in the confectionery industry. The purpose of the article is to analyze the factors affecting the level of competitiveness of enterprises in the confectionery industry and to study marketing tools influencing their activity. The topic of the article is relevant, because even in crisis conditions, the confectionery industry continues to maintain the appropriate level of competitiveness. The object of research in the article is the domestic market of the confectionery industry. The domestic confectionery market is so quite competitive. This is an incentive for innovation, quality and variety, which is in demand among consumers. Marketing strategies such as advertising, branding, and celebrity or influencer partnerships are critical to success in the confectionery market, helping to attract consumer attention and increase sales. The competitiveness of the enterprise depends on its internal state and external position. In modern business conditions, the anti-crisis management system should be aimed at regular monitoring of the situation at the enterprise in order to identify and take into account the impact of negative external and internal factors on it, as well as planning, organizing and implementing anti-crisis measures aimed at ensuring the stable functioning of the enterprise and preventing bankruptcy. The influence of external and internal factors on the competitiveness of the enterprise was studied. The confectionery industry is affected by many factors, which can be divided into four groups: political, economic, socio-cultural and technological. An enterprise can achieve competitive advantages through effective management of its resources and processes. Rational use of human resources, financial capital, material and technical base and other assets is important to ensure the efficiency and competitiveness of the enterprise. One approach to achieving competitive advantage is to create a unique product or service that meets specific customer needs better than competitors.


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How to Cite
Vinnychenko, O., & Tokhtamysh, T. (2023). MARKETING ASPECTS OF ENSURING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF CONFESSIONAL ENTERPRISES. Economic Scope, (188), 67-72.