Keywords: types of craft products, branches of the economy, income, craft production, micro-entrepreneurship, employment level, tourism


Due to pandemic and full-scale war in Ukraine the work of shops, shopping centers, catering companies is restricted; also many enterprises are closed, unemployment rate is too high. This situation results in decreasing the quality of recreation and stopping tourist travelling. However, tourist industry enables people to receive positive impressions, broaden outlook, learn new culture and history. Moreover, it fosters the income of population, region and country to grow. The development of craft business can help to reach the pre-war and pre-quarantine returns from the tourist business. That is why the study of peculiarities, features and activities of craft production is relevant. The purpose of research is to analyze the range of goods in craft production available in the south of Ukraine. The research is aimed for defining impact of above-mentioned goods on the advancement of other spheres of economic activity. From SWOT-based analysis of craft business the fact arises that the demand on natural and unique products is increasing with the competition between craft producers. It should be stressed that there are some legislative restrictions; and certification approving the product quality is needed. Craft production is characterized by flexibility, usage of high-quality raw materials, original recipe, high level of quality control, fast response on changes in consumers’ demand, possible business relocation. But there exist some problems: manual labor, lack of technological processes automation, prevailed creative process over commercial one. The most developed trends of craft production in the south of Ukraine are bread and bakery, confectionery, alcohol drinks, dairy, meet, vegetable products and cheese. The region has a potential to provide the raw materials base for the production of these goods. The production of craft goods positively affects the development of gastronomic tourism. In craft brewery one can try tasteful beer and authentic Ukrainian cuisine. Visiting wineries and historical places, small museums, for example, museums of old agricultural implements, machines, rural kitchen utensils will promote the advance of eno- and ethnotourism. It is common knowledge that wine is served with sweets, cheese, sausages, bakery. This will encourage craft producers to gain profits and attract new tourists to the region. Production of craft goods is the key to the development of other economic spheres.


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How to Cite
Komlichenko, O., Zhyvets, A., & Nakonechna, V. (2023). CRAFT PRODUCTION AS THE SOURCE OF DEVELOPMENT OF REGION’S TOURIST INDUSTRY. Economic Scope, (188), 37-40.