• David Liutyi National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
  • Іryna Hrinko National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8948-5686
Keywords: international transportation, customs checkpoints, transportation licensing, road transport, transport visa-free


The article examines the current trends in the development of international road transport in the context of cargo transportation by Ukraine with the EU Member States and analyzes the main factors of influence of development factors on the current state of the road transport system based on the technical, legal and economic basis of this type of foreign economic activity. The author considers the concept of "international transportation" and carries out a critical analysis based on the subjective and objective directions of definitions from various sources, characterizes the defining features of road transportation in terms of the regulatory and legal component, and determines the impact of modern challenges on the importance of road transport in Ukraine's foreign trade. The analysis of road transport in international transportation in relation to others is carried out and the technical features of international transportation with the countries of the European Union are characterized. On the basis of current statistical data, the author analyzes the domestic market of freight transport and identifies the main trends in the import of freight transport as a component of international transportation. A review of statistical data on international transportation permits and their impact on the quantitative component of flights to European countries as a factor in the development of international transportation and the corresponding number of vehicles with environmental performance in accordance with European standards is carried out. Based on the current data on the main aspects of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU countries, which include "customs visa-free regime", "transport visa-free regime" and zero rate of customs clearance of motor vehicles as factors of increasing the overall traffic of cargo transportation, the author makes a critical analysis based on the causal vision of the current development of international transportation in the context of the selected land transport connection and the factors hindering the development of international transportation, taking into account the operational component of international transportation processes. The article provides recommendations for solving the urgent problem of queues at customs checkpoints for selected international connections for the transportation of goods by road by optimizing the processes of existing transportation in terms of intermodal and multimodal format using rail and road modes of communication as one of the ways to achieve the overall synergistic effect of transportation, taking into account the main logistics criteria for transportation efficiency: time, distance and cargo safety.


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How to Cite
Liutyi, D., & HrinkoІ. (2023). FEATURES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONAL CARGO TRANSPORTATION BETWEEN UKRAINE AND EU MEMBER COUNTRIES. Economic Scope, (188), 21-27. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/188-3