Keywords: wood processing industry, forestry, forest management, sustainable development, theory development, research directions, green economy, circular economy


Objective of the article is to systematize and analyze the historical development of the theoretical framework of sustainable development in the wood processing industry, as well as to identify key research directions and contemporary trends in this field. The relevance of the topic is driven by an expanding understanding of the impact of innovations, environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and energy security on the development of the wood processing industry, particularly in the Ukrainian context. The article employs a methodology that involves analyzing historical sources and literature, allowing for the systematization of the stages of development in the theory of sustainable forestry and wood processing industry. Additionally, the analysis of scientific works by foreign scholars is utilized to identify five key prospective research directions in the modern wood processing industry. The research results delineate four stages in the development of the theory: the first stage (17th–19th centuries) is marked by the emergence and definition of principles of sustainable forest use; the second stage (early to mid-20th century) involves addressing ecological issues and rational resource utilization; the third stage (late 20th century) is characterized by the formulation of the sustainable development concept and its impact on the industry; the fourth stage (21st century to present) sees a growing interest in innovations, circular economy, and green energy. The obtained results identify five main development directions for the modern wood processing industry: environmental sustainability and bioeconomics, innovations and Industry 4.0 implementation, circular and green economy, social responsibility and employment, and energy and raw material security. These directions reflect key challenges and opportunities for the industry, emphasizing the importance of implementing innovations, environmental and social responsibility, as well as ensuring energy and raw material security. The practical significance of the article lies in providing a comprehensive overview of the development of the theory of sustainable development in the wood processing industry, serving as a foundation for the development of management strategies and the implementation of innovations, fostering sustainable development and enhancing the industry’s competitiveness. The research results can serve as a basis for the development of programs and strategies for sustainable development in the wood processing industry at both national and international levels.


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