• Sitlana Yudina Dniprovsky State Technical University https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3354-6515
  • Vasyl Halahanov Dniprovsky State Technical University
  • Mykhailo Strebizh Dniprovsky State Technical University
Keywords: management, financial stability of the enterprise, financial and economic stability, economic stability, external environment, internal environment, scoring evaluation


A methodical approach to managing the financial stability of the enterprise by taking into account the influence of the internal and external environment in order to achieve the enterprise's goals is considered. The method of scoring assessment of the financial stability of economic entities is proposed. At the same time, the selection of internal indicators is proposed to be carried out taking into account their impact on the profitability of assets, and external factors of influence through the use of logit analysis. Stages of scoring evaluation are proposed: selection of internal indicators; selection of external factors; formation of a scoring model; on the basis of a scoring assessment and taking into account the internal indicators of determining the class of financial stability; determination of the type of stability of the external environment; construction of a matrix class of financial stability taking into account the type of external environment. It is noted that the proposed methodological approach contributes to the further development of the theoretical foundations of the definition of financial stability through the determination of the relationship and mutual influence of the financial, financial, economic and economic stability of the enterprise and the comparison of analytical indicators of the assessment of the specified categories. The proposed classification of types of stability allows to optimize the management of financial stability from the point of view of the priority of its preservation and building up It was determined that managing the enterprise through the prism of financial, financial and economic stability, the management of the enterprise should find a balance between external and internal stability. It is schematically shown that the management of financial stability is an element of the financial management of the enterprise. It is also determined that the management of financial stability can be presented as a separate component of the financial management system, which has a target setting, the achievement of which leads to its strengthening. It is noted that the proposed methodical approach allows optimizing the management of financial stability. It is noted that the proposed model allows taking into account the influence of the external environment in which the enterprise operates.


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How to Cite
Yudina, S., Halahanov, V., & Strebizh, M. (2023). A METHODICAL APPROACH TO THE MANAGEMENT OF THE FINANCIAL STABILITY OF THE ENTERPRISE. Economic Scope, (187), 178-183. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/187-29