Keywords: gas production enterprise, organizational elements, uncertain external environment, interaction


The proposed decomposition model of the system analysis of the management of a gas production enterprise makes it possible to implement a universal approach to the modeling of any management system of an enterprise, in particular a gas production enterprise, and makes it possible to consider three key elements: organizational elements, which include the subject of management, the object of management and external the environment of the gas production enterprise; oriented interactions between organizational elements (it is necessary to note that the direction of interaction is significant and has a clear character), which can be information-management {IC} or material (raw) {M(C)} and the characteristics of interactions, namely: information interaction – these can be certain documents, acts and other (D), for material – finished products (GP) or raw materials (C). The decomposition model of the system analysis of the management of the gas production enterprise allows to increase the control over the process of system analysis and the adoption of management decisions made by the system manager. Also, it simplifies the process of feedback interaction between the object of management and the subject of management and makes it possible to quickly react to an ineffective result. Also, a classification of the interaction between the organizational elements of the gas production enterprise management system model is proposed: 1) positive interaction and negative interaction, this type of interaction reflects the existing (positive) or absent (negative) interaction between the organizational elements of the gas production enterprise management system model; 2) smoothed interaction and threshold interaction (single-level and multi-level), where the smoothed interaction reflects the uniformity of the organizational elements of the gas production enterprise management system model, and the threshold interaction reflects the hierarchy of interaction between the organizational elements of the gas production enterprise management system model; 3) one-way interaction and two-way interaction, where one-way interaction reflects a clear subordination of feedback, while the interaction can be either vertical or horizontal with direction detailing, and two-way interaction assumes that at least two organizational elements of the gas production enterprise management system model must interact; 4) rapid interaction, restraining interaction and preventive interaction.


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Perevozova, I., & Hryniv, P. (2023). STRUCTURAL MODEL OF THE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF A GAS EXTRACTION ENTERPRISE. Economic Scope, (187), 134-139.