Keywords: marketing, marketing management, performance, performance management, communication support


In the context of intense competition and dynamic market shifts, communication infrastructure is pivotal for marketing positioning and enterprise adaptation. Considering technological innovations and stakeholder needs, effective communication becomes crucial for achieving strategic objectives and securing competitive advantages. The article aims to develop the theoretical and methodological foundations for ensuring mutual complementarity of the subject areas of enterprise performance management and formation of its marketing and communication policy and also to develop a methodological approach to deploying the contour of reflexive control of enterprise performance communication support. The foundation for achieving the set objective is the hypothesis regarding the potential enhancement of enterprise performance based on rationalizing its marketing-communication strategy. To substantiate the core hypothesis, a domain for developing marketing-communication infrastructure for managing an enterprise's performance has been delineated, and a set of refining assumptions has been formulated. The methodological foundation for substantiating this hypothesis is based on the monographic and deductive reasoning methods. The primary types of enterprise efficiency have been systematized, highlighting their characteristics through crucial indicators concerning marketing communications. A structure for enterprise performance management has been proposed, within which communication support is distinctly outlined. The management system is described as a tuple that encompasses the subject and object of marketing management, a set of goals and performance indicators, a list of management tools, and a description of their implementation support. The directions for implementing a company's marketing communication strategy have been identified, and the tools for each order have been systematically categorized. Each of these directions is considered an element in ensuring an effective management system. Communication policy implementation tools have been categorized in the context of various types of enterprise performance and business processes.


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How to Cite
Pedchenko, D., & Kryvomlin, V. (2023). ENHANCING ENTERPRISE EFFICIENCY THROUGH COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES IN MARKETING MANAGEMENT. Economic Scope, (187), 129-133. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/187-21