Keywords: competitiveness, competitiveness management, competitive advantages, innovation strategy, product innovation


Nowadays of economic development, the problem of increasing the competitiveness of enterprises is becoming particularly urgent. This is explained by the increase in the intensity of development of all processes of the economic environment, the change in factors influencing the external environment as a result of the growth of globalization processes, and the increase in the risk of foreign economic activity. Achieving a competitive position on the market is the main task of the enterprise, as it proves the increase in the volume of product sales, the reduction of non-productive expenses and the improvement of the efficiency of the expenses incurred, the formation of intellectual and personnel potential, high investment and innovation activity and financial stability. Therefore, being competitive for an enterprise means operating on the market, making a profit, and performing fiscal and social functions before the state. The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate the issues of competitiveness management and develop recommendations for improving the competitiveness management of the analyzed enterprise. In order to achieve the set goal, the following tasks were solved in the article: the study of the theoretical foundations of the competitiveness of the enterprise; analysis of the activity of the analyzed enterprise; development and substantiation of measures to manage the competitiveness of the analyzed enterprise. The object of the study is the process of managing the competitiveness of the enterprise. The subject of the research is theoretical, scientific-methodical and practical aspects of managing the competitiveness of the enterprise. To achieve the goal, methods of scientific knowledge, analysis and synthesis, methods of comparison and generalization were used. When performing the work, a systemic approach was used, which involves considering the analyzed enterprise as an open system consisting of a set of interdependent elements united to achieve a defined goal under the conditions of the influence of the external environment. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the development of recommendations for managing the competitiveness of the analyzed enterprise.


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How to Cite
Kozyryeva, O., Yevtushenko, V., & Kotlyar, O. (2023). COMPETITIVE MANAGEMENT OF THE ENTERPRISE BASED ON PRODUCT INNOVATION. Economic Scope, (187), 111-117.