Keywords: infrastructure of the village, rural population, territorial communities, state program of village development, socio-economic condition


Currently, the level of development of social, production and market infrastructure in agriculture remains very low, which has led to the devastation of Ukrainian villages and, as a result, to the disruption and decline of the reproductive process in the agro-industrial complex. Therefore, the formation and development of infrastructure is a necessary condition for the effective interaction of the subjects of primary and secondary production and contributes to the creation of general prerequisites for the growth and development of agricultural production. The article examines the management of infrastructural development of rural communities. The functions of the village infrastructure, state programs for the development of rural communities were considered. It is necessary to continue to work on state programs and projects, to improve the process of financing and control over its implementation in order to ensure their effectiveness, to take care of the sustainable development of the infrastructure of rural communities, to create new jobs, and to attract investments in the agricultural sector. The shortcomings of the development of the infrastructure of the village were studied. The interrelationship of production, social, and organizational-management aspects of village development and the interrelationship of the infrastructural complex of rural areas are schematically displayed. Increasing the level of control functions in unitary enterprises takes place in three stages: municipal level, regional level, interregional level). The socio-economic development of rural communities is analyzed. The number of the rural population for 2018-2022 has significantly decreased, the state of the labor market has worsened, the number of productive livestock has decreased, and the total area of residential buildings put into operation increased. To solve the problems of rural infrastructure development, it is necessary to train production personnel, experts and young scientists, as well as to develop special standards for training specialists to work with rural infrastructure equipment.


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How to Cite
Vilenchuk, O., Andrusenko, N., & Martynova, L. (2023). SOCIO-ECONOMIC PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT IN RURAL COMMUNITIES. Economic Scope, (187), 84-90.