Keywords: competitiveness, management mechanisms, enterprise, management system, strategy


The article examines the issue of the formation of the enterprise competitiveness management system in the context of a systemic approach. The purpose of the article is to develop theoretical provisions for the formation of the enterprise competitiveness management system. To achieve the goal,the general scientific methods of knowledge of phenomena and processes have been used, such as: methods of induction and deduction – to clarify the relationship between the components of the enterprise's competitiveness management system; methods of system analysis and generalization for systematization of existing scientific approaches, used theoretical sources and scientific literature; structuring method – to distinguish the stages of implementation of the complex mechanism to manage the competitiveness of the enterprise; the method of abstraction and formalization – for the development of the conceptual foundations of the competitiveness management system; the graphic method – for displaying the theoretical and methodological material of the research. The purpose and tasks of the enterprise competitiveness management system have been defined. The main components of the modern concept of enterprise competitiveness management have been highlighted. It has been substantiated that the construction of enterprise competitiveness management processes on the basis of a systemic approach will contribute to the formation and development of sustainable competitive advantages of the enterprise under the conditions of adaptation to the influence of an environment with a high degree of variability and uncertainty. The system of enterprise competitiveness management principles based on a systemic approach has been proposed. It has been determined that the implementation of a systemic approach to the management of the enterprise's competitiveness is possible on the basis of the development of an appropriate complex mechanism. It has been based on the technological, economic, economic, social, and marketing components of the enterprise's functioning. The stages of implementation of the competitiveness management mechanism has been proposed, which have a target of adaptation to changes in the market environment and competitive potential of the enterprise, ensuring the support of its market position.


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