Keywords: national economic interests, digital technologies, information economy, digital management, principles of digitalization


The article proves that the development of the information economy is a driver of global economic growth and plays an important role in accelerating economic development, increasing the productivity of key sectors of the economy, forming new markets, industries, innovative business models, and ensuring sustainable growth and development. It is noted that the active process of informatization activates innovative transformations in the key areas of management of enterprises and organizations, namely: logistics management; personnel management; in planning, organization of production processes, quality control and other areas. The main principles of digitization of the economy of Ukraine, which determine the vectors of changes in the national management, are considered. The main economic advantages of the spread of digital technologies in management are identified, including: obtaining data in real time; automated analysis of large data sets; high speed of making managerial decisions and changes in accordance with the dynamics of the information and business environment; formation of a client-oriented business process; ensuring the synergy of the activities of the state, business and citizens in the direction of the implementation of basic national economic interests; modeling of future challenges and threats for states, business and society as a whole. It is noted that the realization of national economic interests is seen in the achievement of key tasks of economic development, which consist in achieving a high level of: informatization based on the integrative interaction of educational and research centers (universities) with business; production and entry into the international market of competitive innovative digital technologies, goods and services; modernization of the production sector of the economy of Ukraine through the active implementation of digital technologies inherent in Industry 4.0; access to infrastructure and obtaining the entire range of quality services for the country's population; digital culture and literacy of the country's population. It is proved that coordination and balancing of national economic interests in the emerging global information space is important for international cooperation, security management and development of countries' economies on the way to resolving possible disagreements and conflicts.


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