• Iryna Horodniak Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
  • Yulia Hnativ Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Keywords: trade, retail trade, turnover, business confidence index, market structure, consumer choice


The article outlines general trends in the Ukrainian retail market over the past few years. The importance of trade in the country's economy in general and the role of its main types in the formation of GDP, the implementation of the choice of entrepreneurial activity and the influence on consumer behavior are considered. Considered the essence of trade, functions of retailers from the side of benefits and conveniences for manufacturers and buyers. An analysis of the main indicators of enterprise activity was carried out: the profitability of trade activity in Ukraine (the highest profitability was achieved in the period before the pandemic), the index of the physical volume of merchandise turnover, the specific weight of food and non-food products and the components of the indicator of business confidence in retail trade. The main questions, on the basis of which the indicator of business confidence is built were determined and their analysis was carried out. During the analysis it was found that in the 3rd quarter of 2023 companies expect a decrease in the pace of orders and sales volumes, a decrease in the number of employees, an increase in prices and believe that food trade is the most difficult to predict. The general trends of the development of the industry by the spheres of retail trade, the influence of industry on retail trade, the place of retail enterprises among the active business of Ukraine were determined and the main trends of consumer choice during the war period were considered. The market leaders were determined according to various indicators. In the course of the work, it was found that during the war, pharmacy and non-product retail experienced the greatest development, gas station chains are almost not developing and all other areas are in a worse situation than before the war. It was determined how the war affected the change of the main indicators and what features are observed in the market today. In general, the research is conditionally divided into three periods: before the pandemic, from the improvement of the situation to the beginning of the war, and the war period. Each of these stages has its own characteristics. The greatest aggravations take place during the war period, when part of the population suffers from hunger, there are problems with the supply of goods, the work of all businesses is complicated, consumers save on everything and act more rationally.


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How to Cite
Horodniak, I., & Hnativ, Y. (2023). ANALYSIS OF THE UKRAINIAN RETAIL TRADE MARKET. Economic Scope, (187), 49-54.