Keywords: globalization, the market of educational services, innovations, internationalization, private educational institutions


Since the end of the twentieth century, the intensification of globalization processes has led to the transformation of the global education market, which takes the form of cross-border education. These processes contribute to the intensification of educational competition, which encourages countries to increase their international competitiveness, including by combining national cultural identity and international standards of educational services. Primary and secondary education institutions, one of the main components that form the system of values and beliefs in society, are the first to involve their students in the international environment. Strengthening the involvement of Ukrainian educational institutions in these processes is especially relevant in the context of preserving and developing the demographic potential of our country as one of the critical factors in the strategy of rebuilding the Ukrainian economy in the context of full-scale armed aggression by rf. Given the global experience of comparing the efficiency of educational institutions of different ownership forms, the concentration on private educational institutions is relevant. The analysis of the peculiarities of the transformation of the private segment of educational services in recent years and the study of foreign internationalization practices in general secondary education confirms the growing competition in the market of educational services, which forces institutions to improve the quality of educational services through the implementation of an effective model of internationalization of educational institutions. It is proposed to use foreign experience to address the issue of reducing teacher turnover and increasing the capacity of internationalization of Ukrainian secondary education institutions: transition from a school of knowledge to a school of competencies; personalization of education; facilitating access to national and international scientific infrastructures at the state level; deepening cooperation with the scientific diaspora; development of a mechanism for international mobility of teachers of Ukrainian secondary education institutions by the Ministry of Education and Science.


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Ziguras, C., & McBurnie, G. (2011). Transnational higher education in the Asia-Pacific region: From distance education to the branch campus. Higher education in the Asia-Pacific: Strategic responses to globalization, 105–122.

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