• O. Kononova Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civi Engineering and Architecture
  • O. Shpatakova Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civi Engineering and Architecture
Keywords: greening, strategic management, foreign experience, construction industry, waste, reuse, reduction, recycling, efficiency


The systematization of the foreign experience areas in the strategic management of greening at construction enterprises, which can be adapted in domestic conditions of development have been investigated. In the course of the main directions research, characteristics and features of strategic management of greening in the construction industry are highlighted, based on the leading experience of individual EU countries, declarative supranational level. At the supranational level of the EU declarative framework for construction waste management, the following is foreseen, namely: quantitative parameters of waste volumes by the specified type of economic activity; the composition of the types of construction waste that are subject to control and supervision at EU and Member State level; planned bases for reducing construction waste by weight; methods to be used in the construction industry of EU Member States at the level of economic entities and related enterprises (reuse and / or recycling); measures to implement the planned bases for reducing construction waste by 70% by 2020 at the level of all EU member states ("deconstruction" and preliminary definition by the operators of a comprehensive plan of waste reduction, reuse and / or recycling). It has been proved that the above declarative aspects of construction waste management adopted at the supranational level of the EU can be adapted to the Ukrainian management principles in this area. It has been identified that among the effective main areas of greening in the construction industry of the EU countries are the most widespread eco-oriented waste management and the construction of environmentally efficient facilities. It has been established that these directions are successfully implemented and demonstrate the effectiveness of environmental and economic nature. The greening process in EU countries is mainly implemented through public-private partnerships. It is proved that innovative methods and measures, defined in the provisions of practice of foreign experience, can be adapted in the conditions of the construction industry functioning of Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Kononova, O., & Shpatakova, O. (2019). FOREIGN EXPERIENCE OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF GREENING IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY. Economic Scope, (146), 193-207. Retrieved from