Keywords: circular economy, sustainable development, resource management, state support, innovation


Circular economy is an important concept aimed at reducing the level of use of resources and waste, has a significant potential for ensuring the efficiency of the economy. The article examines current trends in the development of the circular economy in the world. It emphasizes the growing awareness of the problems of the traditional economy and the use of resources and the impact on the environment, which leads to changes in the consumption and production of goods. Legislative support for the circular economy is growing, including the introduction of CO2 taxes and standards for manufacturers. It describes innovations and technological advances that contribute to the efficient use of resources, such as smart sorting systems and advanced recycling methods. Also noted is the expansion of business models, where companies pay attention to high usability, ease of repair and reuse of products. The article emphasizes the expansion of the global market of secondary raw materials, the involvement of consumers and international cooperation. In particular, common standards, regulatory frameworks and financial support for the development of circular models in different countries are discussed. The prospects for the development of the circular economy in megacities and its application in the food and textile industries are substantiated. In the context of local development, the circular economy becomes an important component, contributing to sustainable economic growth, creating jobs and improving the quality of life of residents. It has been determined that the circular economy is gaining more and more importance in the world, there is a growing awareness of the need to change the way of production and consumption in order to reduce the negative impact on the environment and ensure the sustainable use of resources. Trends in the development of the circular economy include legislative support, innovation and technological progress, the expansion of the global market for secondary raw materials, consumer involvement and international cooperation. The main trends in the development of the circular economy are systematized, which can be useful for researchers, businesses, government bodies and the public, who are interested in promoting sustainable development and saving resources.


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How to Cite
Stoyanova-Koval, S., Slutskyi, Y., & Varhatiuk, M. (2023). CIRCULAR ECONOMY DEVELOPMENT TRENDS IN THE WORLD. Economic Scope, (183), 114-118.