Keywords: green marketing, sustainable development, effects of ecological marketing, environmental consciousness of the consumer


Currently, one of the priority tasks of marketing is the development of progressive mechanisms for meeting the needs of consumers in new environmentally-oriented ways of life, which ensures the production and sale of environmentally friendly products. Increasing attention to these problems in society, as well as ensuring the achievement of parity between the economic interests of business and the ecological and social needs of society, contributed to the expansion of a new conceptual approach to the organization of economic activity - ecological marketing. As a result, active implementation of elements of the ecological marketing concept is carried out in all complexes of marketing activities. In fact, every successful company, taking care of its image in society, focuses on the concept of ecological marketing. They were picked up and developed not only by foreign companies, but also by Ukrainian companies. To implement the concept of ecological marketing, domestic companies need a combination of a whole set of actions, among which we can highlight: 1) implementation of high standards (the company acts in accordance with the standards that regulate the use of natural resources); 2) environmental PR (the public, including partners, media and end consumers, should know the company's position from the point of view of ecology); 3) building loyalty (the company's concern for the environment allows it to gain a loyal audience that shares its stated principles; 4) introduction of new eco-technologies (the company can develop its own methods of zero-waste and safe production, as well as master existing ones); 5) production of eco-goods and services (development of goods that are manufactured without the use of harmful substances and that are not recycled); 6) establishing communications (ensuring two-way communication with consumers of ecological goods); 7) innovation support (may include sponsorship and informational support of start-ups and public initiatives aimed at environmental protection).


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Balancing sustainability and profitability. Available at:

D’Souza C., Taghian M., Sullivan-Mort G., Gilmore A. (2015) An evaluation of the role of green marketing and a firm’s internal practices for environmental sustainability. Journal of Strategic Marketing, no. 23 (7), pp. 600–615.

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Dergachova V., Smerichevskyi S., Kniazieva T., Smerichevska S. (2020). Tools for formation and development of the environmentally friendly food products market: regional aspect in Ukraine. Environmental Economics, no. 11 (1), pp. 96–109.

Environmental Technology Market. Available at:

How Are Consumers Chasing Sustainability in 2022? Available at:

Katrandjiev H. (2016) Ecological marketing, green marketing, sustainable marketing: synonyms or an evolution of ideas? Economic Alternatives, no. 1, pp. 71–82.

Mishra P., Sharma P. (2014) Green marketing: challenges and opportunities for business. BVIMR Management Edge, no. 7 (1), pp. 78–86.

Smerichevskyi S., Kniazieva T., Kolbushkin Yu., Reshetnikova I., Olejniczuk-Merta A. (2018) Environmental orientation of consumer behavior: motivation component. Problems and Perspectives in Management, vol. 16, no. 2, рр. 424–437.

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