Keywords: customer orientation, customer, customer experience, consumer value, customer loyalty


The alcohol industry is developing in line with the general trends of the economy, but it is also characterized by certain specific features: on the one hand, this direction of production provides the state with considerable profits, which the state uses for the development of the state and the needs of the population, on the other, the negative impact of this industry on "health" I am the nation", because the consumption of alcoholic beverages is dangerous for the health of citizens. Therefore, the enterprises of the alcohol industry are in the field of macro-environmental factors, in particular: counter-marketing of the state, the task of which is: to convince consumers to abandon the consumption of alcohol products. Counteractive marketing is an objective reason for insufficient customer orientation of alcohol industry enterprises. But, in addition to the influence of counter-marketing, there is also a lack of understanding of the essence and approaches of customer orientation of manufacturing enterprises, which negatively affects the state of the alcohol market and restrains its qualitative development. Orientation of the activities of alcohol industry enterprises on customer orientation can lead to a significant increase in competitiveness and an increase in the level of income and profitability. Therefore, the issue of client-oriented marketing in the market of alcohol products is relevant even in the conditions of counter-marketing. A client-oriented approach focuses attention on adapting the business to the client, creating a unique consumer value in a specific market segment. A customer-oriented company builds a long-term relationship with the customer and tries to satisfy his needs. This approach provides competitive advantages and allows you to successfully develop your business, despite the high competition in the niche. A customer-oriented brand allows the company to obtain additional profit due to the quality of goods, a high level of service, comfortable conditions of purchase and attentiveness to each customer. A customer-oriented company gains an advantage in the market and bypasses competitors focused on earnings and quick sales of goods. The article reveals the features of customer orientation of alcohol industry enterprises, investigates the reasons for significant changes in the alcohol business, which require the introduction of a customer-oriented approach in the marketing activities of enterprises. The directions of the client-oriented approach of alcohol industry enterprises have been determined. A system of measures of a client-oriented approach and key tasks of implementation of a client-oriented service is proposed.


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How to Cite
Khurdei, V., & Skorobogatova, A. (2023). CUSTOMERORIENTATION IN MARKETING ACTIVITIES OF ALCOHOL HOLDING "GLOBAL SPIRITS". Economic Scope, (184), 129-133.

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