Keywords: management structure, competent organization, competence, management, organization


The instability of the political and socio-economic state of the Ukrainian economy, globalization of the world economy and our country's conscious orientation towards integration into the economic life of Europe, causes the complexity of the conditions for the functioning of domestic organizations, putting forward new requirements for their activities and development, forcing them to quickly adapt to dynamic changes. The key role in this process is played by the competence of the organization as a prerequisite for gaining competitive advantages and achieving success in the domestic and foreign markets. In an attempt to form a rational structure of competence, scientists distinguish between the knowledge, skills and abilities of personnel, production and sales technologies, research and development results, the ability to build effective communications and corporate culture. However, scientific research increasingly emphasizes the role of the organization’s management structure as an important factor in ensuring competence in modern conditions. The purpose of the article is to study the conceptual approaches to the formation of the management structure and determine the possibility of their application for constructing a competent organization. To achieve this goal, a combination of general scientific methods was used: morphological analysis – to understand the essence and content of the organizational structure, to substantiate its role in shaping the competence of Ukrainian organizations; dialectical method – to study and generalize approaches to the formation of the organizational management structure; content analysis – to determine the features of different types of organizational management structures, to form their generalized typology; system analysis and synthesis – to identify the advantages and disadvantages of different types of organizational structures; comparative analysis – to substantiate the possibilities of using specific structures to improve the competence of modern organizations and ensure their successful functioning; graphical method – to visualize the results of the study and simplify the understanding of the material presented. The study indicates the absence of an unambiguously effective management structure, substantiates the expediency of focusing on the specifics, purpose and conditions of the organization’s activities, the available potential and the chosen direction of development when choosing a structure. The possibility of practical application of the results of a critical analysis of the existing types of management structures in the activities of Ukrainian organizations with an emphasis on improving their competence determines the value of the study and the conclusions obtained.


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