Keywords: business process, automation, communication, data management, management systems


Modern management conditions are characterized by the transformation of their models in enterprise management, which has been formed through the extensive use of digital technologies and tools, as well as diverse directional changes. These changes involve automation and optimization of business processes, changes in data management processes, expanding communication and collaboration among different structural departments of the company and between companies as a whole, and an increase in innovation, among others. Therefore, the research is aimed at studying the peculiarities of the digital transformation of management models in enterprise management and the challenges that shape the process of their digitization. In doing so, a view of the nature of the digital transformation of management models in enterprise management has been formed based on methods of generalization. It has been shown that the nature of such transformation in enterprise management involves the emergence of the phenomenon of digitization, which distinguishes the transition from traditional analog processes to digital ones. The identification of the relationship between the digital transformation of management models in enterprise management and their digitization has been realized based on methods of analysis and synthesis. The research focuses on changes that occur in document formats, data management formats, information exchange, use of data arrays, provision of address data and information, communication, and the changes they bring about. The authors provided a definition and characterization of the challenges of digitalization based on methods of explanation, classification, and abstraction. Specifically, attention was paid to the formation of a significant number of digitalization challenges. It was demonstrated that these challenges have arisen due to the emergence of telecommunications networks within enterprise management systems, which provide data transmission and accumulate problems and difficulties of communication that managers face when implementing management processes and ensuring appropriate document flow in a changed format environment. Further perspectives in this direction involve using the obtained results to develop a strategy for the digital transformation of management models in enterprise management.


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How to Cite
Kulinich, T., & Sternyuk, O. (2023). MANAGEMENT MODELS IN ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT: CHALLENGES OF DIGITALIZATION. Economic Scope, (184), 101-106.