Keywords: innovations, innovative activity, innovative process, innovative development, competitiveness, telecommunications enterprises, telecommunications industry


The functioning of a competitive national economy in conditions of global transformations and a turbulent economic environment is made possible by the use of innovations and active innovative activities in all branches of the national economy. The telecommunications industry is characterized by special importance and influence in terms of the formation of vectors of economic activity in the country and the priorities of innovative technological achievements. Ensuring the improvement of the level of competitiveness of telecommunications enterprises on the basis of innovative activity and development, taking into account global trends in the functioning of the world economic space, is becoming important. The article presents the role and significance of innovations and innovative activity in the formation of a competitive national economy and presents the features of the innovative activity of telecommunications enterprises. The economic content of innovations, innovative process, innovative development of enterprises and their role in the activity of telecommunications enterprises under the conditions of increasing global transformations and world economic turbulence are revealed. The specific properties of the innovative development of telecommunications enterprises in the context of the evolution of the intellectual component of social reproduction have been revealed. Indicators of global indices of innovative development of Ukraine were analyzed. Proposed globalization trends of innovative development of telecommunications enterprises in the context of increasing the level of their competitiveness on the basis of innovation. Challenges and threats inherent in the modern world economy require the transformation and improvement of technical, technological, informational processes and business models used in the telecommunications market, as well as contribute to new technological and technical inventions, increasing the level of intellectualization and knowledge-intensive production processes. The functioning of domestic telecommunications enterprises is under the influence of increasing competitiveness in the global telecommunications market and the existing financial, economic and political turbulence in the world. Therefore, ensuring the formation of competitive advantages of telecommunications enterprises on the basis of innovative development, taking into account global trends inherent in the global economic space, becomes important.


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How to Cite
Zelisko, I., & Shahirmanov, D. (2023). GLOBAL TRENDS OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENTERPRISES INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT. Economic Scope, (184), 79-83.