• V. Brych Ternopil National Economic University
  • І. Peryt Ternopil National Economic University
Keywords: entrepreneurship, business management, business, private entrepreneur, business entity


Іn today's economy, the key to effective business management of business entities is the construction of high-quality flexible and mobile business processes, both in terms of internal interaction between entities and management entities, as well as in cooperation with the external market. Therefore, it is important to properly understand the basic concepts of business management. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the nature, functions and approaches to managing the entrepreneurial activity of domestic economic entities in the modern economy. The analysis of scientific developments concerning the interpretation of the essence of the concept of "management" has been carried out. It has been proposed to treat entrepreneurship management as a set of strategic and business oriented direct and indirect economic actions, which include flexible tools and methods of planning, organization, regulation, control, motivation and optimal use of material, financial, intellectual resources of a business in order to increase competitiveness. , achieving agility and long-lasting economic impact. Attention has been drawn to the fact that in the modern economy, business management can function as a science, function, process, governing body, division of labor, creative idea and as an unconventional approach. A hierarchical structure of management entities has been constructed and it is proposed to allocate households as a separate economic category at the micro level. The essence of the issue has been analyzed and the author defines the functions of organization, planning, motivation and control. Taking into account the requirements of today's market, a separate function of innovative and flexible business development is singled out. Grouping of management functions is proposed and justified depending on the level of their implementation: higher level, middle level, "direct production". Management model interconnections are built. The basic approaches to management of business activity of economic entities are analyzed: situational, functional, process, system. It is concluded that in today's economy, the most effective for business entities is to combine systemic and process approaches with flexible business management methods.


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How to Cite
Brych, V., & PerytІ. (2019). THEORETICAL AND CONCEPTUAL BASIS OF DOMESTIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP MANAGEMENT. Economic Scope, (146), 82-99. Retrieved from