Keywords: efficiency, effectiveness, crises, risks, uncertainty, management


The results of the study established and justified the difference between the concepts of efficiency and effectiveness. The author proposed to consider the concept of efficiency from the point of view of the applied methodological tools of management, in the process of which there is an increase in the obtained result in relation to the spent means, in contrast to the effectiveness, which only proves the numerical expression of the achievement of the company's goals. In contrast to effectiveness, efficiency is a broader concept and can be described using both qualitative and quantitative indicators. Since the management of the enterprise takes place under conditions of uncertainty, the degree of riskiness of the decisions made depends on them, and therefore risk management is primary in ensuring the effectiveness of the management of the enterprise, because depending on how effective this management will be, the probability of a crisis situation will be lower. Risk management is implemented through the choice of directions and methods of its regulation, which correspond to each individual situation, or through a series of decisions regarding its acceptance or avoidance. The article proves that critical and catastrophic risk zones lead to the development of crisis phenomena at the enterprise - from a solvency crisis to a debt settlement crisis, which inevitably leads to its insolvency and bankruptcy. The effectiveness of anti-crisis management at each of the stages of the development of a crisis phenomenon at the enterprise can include: pre-crisis management, which consists in early detection and prevention of the crisis phenomenon; management in a period of crisis, the main goal of which is to stabilize the unstable state of the enterprise, maintain its balance and manageability; management of the enterprise at the stage of exiting the crisis, aimed at reducing costs and other losses associated with the crisis period. In turn, the effectiveness of enterprise management in different periods of crisis situations depends on developed strategies, adopted policies, agreed programs, successful and timely application of diagnostic tools, cooperation with creditors, investors, sanatoriums, etc.


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How to Cite
Tkachuk, H. (2023). EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT OF THE ENTERPRISE IN CRISIS AND RISKS. Economic Scope, (183), 64-68. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/183-10