• Mykola Povoroznyk Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
Keywords: corporations, innovations, BNK, corporate strategies, scientific and technical exchange


In the modern scientific literature, there is currently no statistically confirmed significant relationship between the amount of innovation costs of companies and the effectiveness of their financial and economic activities. The fact is that the environmental conditions for the functioning of national innovation systems favorable for corporate R&D are a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for entrepreneurial and business structures to maintain competitive leadership. The main measure of the effectiveness of the BNP corporate strategies of scientific and technological exchange is their ability to ensure a qualitative update of the technological base of production and the organizational system of business operations. The strategy of scientific and technological exchange of BNP in the author's interpretation can be qualified as a generalized model of their purposeful activity in order to achieve the key goals of competitive development in global coordinates based on the effective use of the domestic and global business environment for the design, development and production of qualitatively new types of goods and services, equipment and technologies, objects of work and objects of intellectual property. At the same time, the global innovation strategies of BNP are a concentrated reflection of the transnationalization of production and capital as the highest form of development of the internationalization of economic life. The techno-globalization conditions of the corporatization of technological transfer put the implementation of hybrid strategies of scientific and technological exchange, which are based on the convergent combination of the most constructive elements of traditional strategies of technological transfer, among the priority factors of the competitive leadership of BNP. This opens up to multinational companies wide opportunities for the simultaneous application of fundamentally different mechanisms, ensures a high level of flexibility and adaptability of hybrid strategies to the turbulent conditions of technological globalism, with the involvement of all possible links in the generation of profits in the scientific and technological exchange of BNP.


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How to Cite
Povoroznyk, M. (2023). EFFICIENCY OF BNP CORPORATE STRATEGIES IN SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL EXCHANGE. Economic Scope, (183), 7-11. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/183-1