• Volodymyr Orel State Biotechnological University
  • Oleksandr Korniietskyi State Biotechnological University
  • Serhii Pasko Sumy National Agrarian University
Keywords: tax incentives, agricultural sector, tax payment, fiscal efficiency, incentives, tax, tax benefits


The article considers tax incentives as one of the ways of economic development and creating the effect of tax assistance to the agro-industrial complex, which is expressed in tax support for crop production, animal husbandry, as well as the ratio of tax support to GDP, value added, agricultural output, profit. In this article, the main purpose of tax incentives is, first of all, to encourage business activity of business structures, which aims, when expanding their activities, to accumulate funds in budgets through the payment of tax payments. A component of the formation and implementation of the system of tax incentives for the production processes of the agro-industrial complex is the implementation of obligations to ensure the priority development of this sector of the national economy. The article uses the method of analysis for strategic tax planning, as well as to determine the level of influence of economic and financial factors on the performance of indicators for the payment of taxes and fees. Also, the generalization of the work is based on the use of the indicator of fiscal efficiency of the tax system in order to implement the obligations to ensure the priority development of this sector of the national economy. The organization of the process of tax stimulation of the agrarian complex in the national economy is offered. Indicated and provided the main purpose of tax incentives. The priority directions of formation and realization of the system of tax stimulation of production processes of the agro-industrial complex concerning maintenance of priority development of the given sector of national economy are offered also. The main stages of development of an effective tax policy of an agro-industrial enterprise are considered.


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How to Cite
Orel, V., Korniietskyi, O., & Pasko, S. (2022). TAX STIMULATION OF PRODUCTION PROCESSES OF AGRICULTURAL COMPLEX. Economic Scope, (182), 124-130.