• T. Koturanova Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • Y. Vartokha Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • M. Alexandrova
Keywords: banks, Internet banking, online banking services, security of online service, mobile banking, bank cards, remote banking


The use of Internet banking by Ukrainian banks has been explored in the article. The online banking market research in the field of Internet banking is relevant, because this area of the modern banking world is considered to be promising and innovative. The state of the Ukrainian Internet banking market has been researched: the number of banking institutions that use Internet banking, the list of services offered on-line, the quality level of these services and the operation of the system as a whole, target groups of consumers. Banking organizations give customers the choice of access to various types of online services, the most popular of which is remote service today. The future prospects and directions of further development of Internet banking in Ukraine have been analyzed and concluded in this article. The range of questions connected with the distance banking services and the forms of distance banking services have been determined. The development of remote banking services is having an ever-increasing impact on existing legal norms of banking services, forcing them to adapt to new technological conditions for the provision of banking services. Automation of the bank’s ongoing work by serving legal entities and individuals reduces its internal costs and improves the quality of customer and partner services. Thus, Internet banking is strategic for any bank because, ultimately, the indicators determine its competitive position in the financial services market. Internet banking has become a part of everyday life of Ukrainians and Internet banking is well-implemented in Ukraine and real-time instant payments are established. The prognosis of the development of Internet banking is quite optimistic. The May-future plans translate all the services provided by the bank into the online process and this should provide a great alternative to a visit to the bank branch without a queue. Already, it is advisable for a virtual bank to serve clients from any region, in Ukraine, such has been in existence for two years, "Monobank". Internet banking is a promising and fast-growing segment in the banking segment.


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How to Cite
Koturanova, T., Vartokha, Y., & Alexandrova, M. (2019). INTERNET BANKING IN UKRAINE IS AN INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE BANKING SECTOR. Economic Scope, (146), 43-56. Retrieved from