• I. Taranenko Alfred Nobel University
Keywords: innovative and integrative competitive advantages, sustainable development, geospatial models, interactive model, innovation potential, strategic map


The paper deals with the development of mechanisms for implementing global strategies for innovative competitiveness of countries, based on effective interaction of innovative and integrative factors of competitiveness, with the use of modern strategic management tools. The development of world trade, international investment, global production and distribution networks of multinational corporations, as well as international cooperation, create good opportunities for the formation and strengthening of innovative and integrative competitive advantages, based on innovation and integration, which become the core factor for enhancing innovative competitiveness. In order to identify effective mechanisms for implementing global strategies for innovative competitiveness of countries, the types of strategic geospatial models of innovative competitiveness are identified, their features and characteristics are given. It was justified that the interactive model of innovation competitiveness is most effective for developing countries including Ukraine. The implementation of such a model should take place on the basis of multi-vector integration of countries with different innovation potential. A strategic map is drawn up that allows to concretize the ways of realization the set goals through effective use of innovation potential and to ensure increase of the country's innovative competitiveness in the global environment to a certain target level.


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