Keywords: development,, risk, mechanism, management, enterprise


Within the framework of this article, the problems of the development of enterprises in conditions of uncertainty and risk are considered. It established that the hallmark of the current stage of economic development is the profound changes that take place in all its areas under the influence of transformational shifts and global transformations. It determined that the strengthening of instability processes affects the management system of enterprises and their further development. It proved that management as a purposeful system provides the enterprise with effective functioning, stabilization of the main processes, adaptation of new business conditions and gradual development. While development reveals the nature of the changes taking place in the enterprise management system, especially in conditions of increased risk and uncertainty. The essence of the economic categories "development mechanism" and "risk management mechanism" studied. Despite the differences in the above mechanisms, their combination creates strategic opportunities for enterprises to adapt to changing conditions. A mechanism for the development of risk management in enterprises proposed to understand as a dynamic system of interrelated organizational actions, the functioning of which occurs under the influence of innovative processes in accordance with the development goals of enterprises, the principles and functions of risk management, methods and levers for implementing organizational and economic changes. Their systematic application aimed at sustainable economic growth with a balanced business process, which will contribute to the activation of enterprises in the market, strengthening their competitive positions, increasing profitability and minimizing identified risks. The necessity of a mechanism for the development of risk management in enterprises in accordance with the forms of development in terms of the quality of the impact on the economic activity of the enterprise (negative, neutral, positive) substantiated. The requirements for the formation of a mechanism for the development of risk management at enterprises according to the structure of the management system presented. The components of the structure of the control system of the mechanism described: the system of goals, the system of support, the functional system, the process system. It proved that the implementation of the risk management development mechanism in enterprises in accordance with the proposed structure of the management system affect the efficiency of activities in accordance with the development goals and the chosen strategy.


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How to Cite
Yevtushenko, N., & Zakharzhevska , A. (2022). PECULIARITIES FORMING A MECHANISM FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF RISK MANAGEMENT IN ENTERPRISES. Economic Scope, (182), 61-66.

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