Keywords: innovation, public sector, public goods, economic growth, education, science, Index of Economic Freedom, Global Innovation Index


The scientific results presented in this article were obtained through the use of the following research methods: abstraction – when determining the essence of the public good category; general and special – when clarifying the specifics of an innovative product as a public good; system approach - to present the interdependence of the economic freedom of the country with the state of development of the innovation sphere. It has been established that in modern conditions of acceleration of scientific and technical progress, the emergence of innovations is increasingly based on the fundamental results of scientific research, and this means that the process of developing innovations without consuming fundamental knowledge that appears on the market as public goods is impossible. It was determined that the public sector of the economy, eliminating the inefficiencies of market mechanisms for the production of public goods, occupies one of the priority roles in ensuring the economic development of the state, performing the function of creating scientific knowledge. The regularity between the degree of economic freedom and the state of innovative activity in the country was revealed, which identifies its place in the global ranking by the level of innovative development. As a result, the importance of the public sector for solving the problem of the transition to a post-industrial society is increasing. The analysis of the existing definitions of "public good" in economic science proved that the definition of the essence of this phenomenon remains the most debatable problem and requires the search for an optimal mechanism for the production of public goods. The practical role of the public sector of the economy as a factor of economic growth is substantiated. It has been established that the expansion of economic freedom is directly correlated with activity in innovative activities, and in those countries characterized by high indicators of the Index, this dependence is expressed more vividly.


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How to Cite
Vagonova, O., Chornobayev, V., & Romaniuk , N. (2022). THE RELATIONSHIP OF CREATING INNOVATIONS FROM THE PRODUCTION OF PUBLIC GOODS. Economic Scope, (182), 33-37.