Keywords: national economic interests, information economy, digital economy, information society, information society development model, informatization


The article is devoted to the analysis of transformations of national economic interests in the conditions of the development of the information economy. It was noted that the category "information economy" has a broader content than «digital economy». It has been proven that the trigger for the development of the information economy is: innovative digital technologies, information and the latest knowledge. Therefore, according to the author, the information economy is based on the digital economy and has a convergent relationship with the innovation and knowledge economy. The transformation of changes in national economic interests in the conditions of the transition from an industrial economy to an information economy is studied. It was noted that the key national interest in the period of the development of the industrial economy is centered around scientific and technological progress and material production, and in the period of the formation of the information economy - around the increase in data flows, the emergence of new knowledge, access to information technologies, which forms the latest vision of the development of society. Conflicts of national economic interests are outlined as a manifestation of unresolved problems in the development of the information economy. It is noted that the development of the information economy creates new economic, social and cultural value, the transformation of economic interests takes place within the framework of the level organization of the system of economic relations, and as a result, the newest model of society - the information society - is being formed. An analysis of the Western and Eastern models of the development of the information society was carried out, the results of which determined the confrontation between the West and the East in defending their national interests in the conditions of an irreversible and active process of information transformations and the formation of a new world map in the synergistic manifestation of the phenomena of the third, fourth and fifth industrial revolutions. An analysis of the practice of the Ukrainian model of information society development, which is at the initial stage of its formation, has been carried out.


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