• Oleksandr Titarenko National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute»
  • Daniil Revenko National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute»
Keywords: innovative diffusion, social and economic systems, strategies for disseminating innovations, innovative development, effectiveness estimation


The main goal of the research is formation of the concept and methodological approaches concerning the strategies of socio-economic development based on the spread of innovations in social and economic systems. The following tasks are fulfilled in order to achieve the goal: to consider the main principles of disseminating innovations in social and economic systems, distinguish peculiarities of the process of developing and implementing the strategies for disseminating innovations in social and economic systems, carry out a survey on the methods for disseminating innovations in social and economic systems, develop a mechanism of disseminating innovations in social and economic systems, establish the influence of a model of disseminating innovations in social and economic systems on the economic growth. Among the researched and offered methods, there has been chosen one of the main and most widespread methods for modelling the development of social and economic systems and effectiveness of the capital and labour usage – the usage of the productive function. The following results have been obtained: it has been established that the strategy for distributing innovations in social and economic systems must include a mechanism of conducting interrelated conversions in all fields where social and economic systems function. There has been explained the significance of creating a structure of distributing the strategy for disseminating innovations in social and economic systems. Several directions of innovation dissemination strategies have been distinguished which are necessary to achieve results. Creation of the innovation potential management system has been established to be an important stage in the strategy development. Methodological approaches for investigations of strategies for disseminating innovations in social and economic systems have been developed and offered. The conclusions include the fact that nowadays the economic growth is substantially influenced by science and technology, therefore the issue of creating strategies for disseminating innovations is becoming more and more urgent and timely and is being largely studied. The strategy for disseminating innovations is based on the principles of a systematic approach and must be aimed at creating innovative and financial functioning of the systems. In the process of developing a mechanism of disseminating innovations in social and economic systems, conditions have been established that are necessary for building determinate factor models: factors must be real measured values, logically connected with each other and initial elements of the system, must be quantitatively expressed with measurement units specified. It must also be taken into account during the mechanism creation that measurement of the influence on the innovative development of the system is its integral part. An essential component in the process of developing and implementing management decisions on disseminating innovations is a necessity to estimate the effectiveness of such decisions.


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