• Slavinskyi Slavinskyi National Aviation University
  • Oleksandra Hurуn National Aviation University
Keywords: financial statement, revenue, expenses, financial results, financial position, financial performance, cash flows


Enterprise’s financial statements may be defined as structured presentation of the information about the financial position, financial performance and cash flows in the form of: assets; liabilities (payables); equity; revenue; expenses; cash inflows, outflows and net cash flows. Based on this information, one could analyse revenue and expenses, financial performance, financial position, cash flows and effectiveness of the overall business of the enterprise. The efficiency of the enterprise's operational, investment and financial activities is expressed in the achieved financial results. To determine the financial result of the enterprise's activity for the reporting period, it is necessary to compare the revenues of the reporting period and the expenses incurred to obtain these revenues. To determine the financial result of the enterprise's activity for the reporting period, it is necessary to follow the rules for determining income and expenses, namely: accrual, compliance, periodicity. Financial indicators reflect the efficiency of the enterprise and its profit, which is the main goal of any enterprise. A large number of interconnected material, labor and financial resources are involved in the implementation of the production and financial activities of enterprises. Therefore, the study of methods of determining and improving financial results, interaction with other economic indicators to form prerequisites for the growth of competitiveness and profitability of the enterprise, ensuring the stable development of economic activity over many years determine an important scientific and practical role in the study of this issue. The growth of the financial result gives the enterprise the opportunity for self-financing, expansion of production and strengthening of financial relations with partners. The formation of financial results is a very important indicator of the activity of business entities, the result of which can be positive (profit) or negative (loss). This is what determines the efficiency of the enterprise. To form financial results, it is necessary to correctly reflect the purpose of the activity, the profitability of the enterprise, and analyze changes in the profit indicator. High-quality planning and the correctness of management decisions make it possible to increase indicators of financial results and meet the needs of management groups, as well as to receive more reliable information about the financial state of the enterprise.


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How to Cite
Slavinskyi, S., & HurуnO. (2022). FINANCIAL RESULTS OF THE ENTERPRISE. Economic Scope, (181), 202-206.