• Lyubov Petyk Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
  • Vitalii Felisieiev Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Keywords: business activity, enterprise, assets, payables, receivables, turnover, efficiency of activity


The main purpose of this work is to determine the peculiarities of the business activity of industrial enterprises of Ukraine in modern realities and to find ways to increase it. The main interpretations of the concept of "business activity", its main quantitative and qualitative characteristics have been studied. It was determined that business activity is a complex characteristic of the efficiency of the external and internal activity of the enterprise, which is built on the basis of its quantitative and qualitative indicators and reflects the efficiency of the use of all available resources (financial, material, intangible, labor), position on the market, its image and economic potential enterprises. The relevance of research in modern realities, the need to assess business activity is revealed. The impact of business activity on the functionality of enterprises, the main external and internal factors that affect the level of business activity are determined. The essence of the "golden rule of economics", its influence on the level of business activity of the enterprise is considered. It was determined that the higher the rate of growth of net income from the sale of products at the enterprise than the rate of growth of the value of assets, the higher the level of business activity will be. The methodological aspects of the analysis of business activity were studied, the analysis of the level of business activity of industrial enterprises of Ukraine for the years 2016-2020 was carried out, using asset turnover ratios. The business activity of the enterprise in the financial aspect is primarily manifested in the speed of rotation of its liabilities, assets and their components. The importance of turnover indicators is explained by the fact that turnover characteristics largely determine the level of efficiency and profitability of the enterprise. The main problems that can cause a decrease in the level of business activity have been identified. It was revealed that the main problem of ensuring business activity is military operations as a result of the Ukrainian-Russian war, the influence of the factor on the functionality of enterprises was investigated. The main ways of ensuring the business activity of the enterprise in modern conditions have been determined on the basis of surveys of entrepreneurs and the plan of economic recovery of Ukraine proposed by the Ministry of Economy.


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How to Cite
Petyk, L., & Felisieiev, V. (2022). BUSINESS ACTIVITY OF INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES OF UKRAINE . Economic Scope, (181), 188-191.