Keywords: team, team management, personnel, self-organization, resilience, psycho-emotional state


The article considers the methods of personnel management and features of their application for effective team management. Using the methods of analysis, synthesis, observation and main selection was formed top 10 principles of team formation and management. Among them are: the principle of the leader's responsibility for the results of team work, for team members and its development; the principle of management based on delegation of authority; the principle of shared leadership; the principle of situational leadership; the principle of determining individual team rules; the principle of the predominance people’s importance in the team and their interaction over production processes; the principle of quick reaction; the principle of the need to achieve a high level of team members involvement; the principle of the need to achieve a high level of cohesion; the principle of positive atmosphere. The role of a self-managed microsystem, which is an employee in the effective operation of the enterprise, was investigated. The components of this microsystem were taken into account: self-organization, self-motivation, self-discipline and self-control. The necessity of taking into account the psychological states of employees: stress disorders, panic attacks, permanent anxiety (overt and covert), emotional exhaustion, apathetic states, guilt, etc. in modern management of organizations was emphasized. An attempt is made to prove the feasibility of team management in crisis and war. The advantages of teamwork for employees were given. The objective domestic realities of functioning and psycho-emotional background of people in war conditions were taken into account. The aspect of self-organization of employees was investigated. It was considered as a prerequisite for effective and efficient professional and personal life. Self-organization was also described as a means of increasing the level of resistance of employees in modern conditions. The actual methods of increasing the level of self-organization (intensification of all spheres of life, transformation of self-organization into a habit, effective time management, teaching others, self-education and self-development, self-control and self-discipline, self-motivation, management of self-organization components, social activity, culture of thinking) were given. The role of formal management in the process of forming and improving the self-organization level of employees was determined.


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How to Cite
Sazonova, T., Kemova, Y., & Yakovleva, K. (2022). METHODS OF TEAM MANAGEMENT: THE ASPECT OF SELF-ORGANIZATION. Economic Scope, (181), 138-142.