Keywords: competent organization, competencies, competence, management, organization


In an attempt to develop an effective algorithm for building a competent organization that can function effectively in unpredictable conditions, scientists direct their researches to substantiate the need to improve the level of employees’ knowledge, expand their skills and abilities, develop professional qualities, emphasizing that these factors are key in the process of creating a competent organization. Finding out what is its basis, confirming the growing role of competencies and competence in the management of organizations; scientists do not stop the scientific search for a common understanding of the essence and content of the concepts, because there is no common opinion on their definition today. This led to the formulation of the purpose of the article, which is to determine the main determinants of a competent organization, to study their essence, content, differences in the interpretation and application of concepts. Achieving the purpose of the study was carried out using the following methods: morphological analysis - to clarify the essence of the concepts of "competencies" and «competence», which are the determinants of creating a competent organization, and to identify the fundamental difference between the interpretation and application of the concepts; determining the essence of key competencies as a form of providing a direct relationship between the competencies of the organization and the staff; dialectical – to justify the need to take into account the level of manifestation of each competence and their totality in general when creating a competent organization. The result was the substantiation in the process of creating a competent organization of the importance of determining the actual organizational competencies, monitoring the level of their manifestation with subsequent consistent development to provide the organization with the highest level of quality, which implies, while maintaining the existing level of costs, the transformation of knowledge and experience into competence, and further into a competitive opportunity.


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How to Cite
Gruzina, I. (2022). DETERMINANTS OF A COMPETENT ORGANIZATION. Economic Scope, (181), 95-98.