• Serhiy Polishchuk Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
  • Mariia Kotsiubailo Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Keywords: «green» energy, energy independence, energy collapse, alternative or renewable energy sources, «green» tariff, solar power plants, investments in renewable energy, energy cooperatives


The article is devoted to the study of the issue of preventing the energy crisis in the country and providing domestic enterprises with energy independence. Modern realities have demonstrated the possibility of nuclear terror and the world's dependence on extractive resources - oil, natural gas, and coal. This dependence is detrimental because such resources are non-renewable and their price is increasing every day, so replacing these resources should be the main concern of all civilized countries today. In this regard, alternative energy sources were analyzed in detail, namely, the current state of «green» energy in Ukraine, the legislative basis, the most effective type of renewable energy sources for the vast majority of enterprises, the advantages and disadvantages of this type of power plant. The prospects and feasibility of transition to ecological ones were determined types of energy, taking into account the peculiarities of the economy and the current political situation. The article also provides and analyzes the energy balance of the country, its structure, explores the possibilities of using «green» energy as a tool for providing companies with stable electricity for their own production facilities, the amount of necessary investments in terms of the planned capacity, their payback and feasibility in general, the main influencing factors on payback. An example of the domestic enterprise's use of alternative sources both for its own consumption and for sale to the state at a "green" tariff is considered. Since the investment is significant and obstacles such as the rising dollar make it difficult, not all businesses can afford to use renewable energy sources. The war adjusted the plans of all citizens of Ukraine, and the process of attracting investment slowed down significantly, which is due to the fear of investors to invest. In this regard, the world experience in the implementation of projects in the field of renewable energy was considered, the issue of creating energy cooperatives was investigated, and the possibility of their creation in Ukrainian realities, the main advantages, were determined.


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How to Cite
Polishchuk, S., & Kotsiubailo, M. (2022). «GREEN» ENERGY AS A TOOL FOR THE ACQUISITION OF ENERGY INDEPENDENCE BY DOMESTIC ENTERPRISES. Economic Scope, (181), 183-187. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/181-32