Keywords: export-import potential, export, import, military conditions, grain products, sub-complex


The article analyzes the export-import potential of the grain product sub-complex of the agro-industrial complex. A positive trend in the development of Ukraine's international trade and economic relations has been established, and the strengthening of the EU country's role in bilateral trade of products of the grain sub-complex, the share of which is increasing not only in exports but also in imports, has been substantiated. An analysis of the export of cereals, legumes (with products of their processing), and flour from Ukraine was carried out. In the process of writing the article, various general scientific and unique research methods were applied: economic analysis and comparison for the study of parts of individual types of products of the product subcommittee of the agricultural industry in Ukraine in export and import from EU countries; graphic method - for a visual representation of the results of data analysis of export and import activity; abstract-logical method - for theoretical generalizations and formation of conclusions; a process of analogies, tabular - for substantiation of the leading importer countries of domestic grain, economic and statistical - search and analysis of export and import activity of Ukraine during the war period. It is substantiated that during the last period, there was a strategic reorientation of the domestic export of grain and its processing products from the markets of the CIS countries and the Russian Federation to the needs of the countries of Asia and the European Union. It has been established that the preponderance of export volumes of products of the grain product sub-complex of the agro-industrial complex over the books of its volume is significant, which partially proves the import of the proposed hypothesis. The Russian-Ukrainian war stimulated problems with the stability of logistics chains that ensured the export of the grain product sub-complex, which in turn led to increased prices for agricultural products. It has been proven that the blockade of Ukrainian ports in the Black Sea makes trade over such a long distance somewhat problematic. The results of this study are of interest to higher education institutions seeking to improve agricultural supply chains; practices of the farm sector, which are aimed at the optimal cost of transportation of agricultural products. The author's research emphasizes the importance of the export-import potential of the products of the grain product sub-complex. It ensures the systematization of the problem of food supply chains.


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How to Cite
Hrynkevych, S., & Bochko, O. (2022). EXPORT-IMPORT POTENTIAL OF THE CEREAL PRODUCT SUB-COMPLEX OF THE AGRICULTURE. Economic Scope, (181), 14-19. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/181-2