Keywords: investments, modernization, international experience of modernization, infrastructure sphere, Eastern European countries


The study used general scientific methods of analysis and generalization to formalize the scientific and conceptual apparatus, determine approaches and patterns of investment support for economic modernization; statistical analysis - to establish the dynamism and direction of investment support; graphical visualization - to present and summarize the results of the study. The obtained results allowed to formalize the goals of economic modernization of Eastern European countries and models of their implementation. The authors identified two key ways of modernization: through integration into the European economic space and regional investment support. On the example of the modernization of the infrastructure sphere of Poland, Romania and Slovakia, the applied aspects, models, patterns and experience of implementing the goals of investment support are shown. The practical significance of studying the experience of investment support for the modernization of the European Union's economy is to formalize the imperatives, to formulate strategic guidelines, to develop models and mechanisms for modernizing the economy of Ukraine, especially in the context of scientific problems of recovery and European integration.


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How to Cite
Zaliznyuk, V., Vovk, O., & Raicheva, L. (2022). EXPERIENCE OF INVESTMENT SUPPORT FOR THE MODERNIZATION OF EAST EUROPEAN ECONOMIES. Economic Scope, (181), 32-37. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/181-5