Keywords: FinTech, ecosystem, external environment, companies, financial services market, financial marketplaces, financial services


The purpose of the article is to study the essence, peculiarities of the formation and development of the FinTech ecosystem on the financial market in the conditions of negative dynamics of the external environment. the paper substantiates that the main driving force of the transformation of the financial services market is a sharp change in the behavior of consumers of financial services and the associated change in requirements, which traditional participants of the financial market are no longer able to satisfy due to the impact of the development of digitalization. The study of the essence of the concept of "ecosystem" made it possible to determine that there is no single concept. The work determined that the FinTech ecosystem in the financial services market is a direct intermediary that does not issue any financial obligations of its own, does not assume financial risks and first searches for consumers of financial resources (borrowers), and then - suppliers (creditors). It is substantiated that FinTech ecosystems are the creation of a marketplace, which is defined by the main components created by the owner of the marketplace, and supplemented by applications by independent participants, additional services on the periphery, which go beyond the financial market and provide services and services for customers in various industries. The work determined that the FinTech ecosystem is capable of combining a large number of different types of services (products) on one financial marketplace, while using partner participants, startups (FinTech projects, innovative services in the financial sphere), regulators (the Central Bank of Ukraine, interested ministries) and infrastructure participants (banks, payment systems, accelerators, incubators, FinTech hubs, investors). The features of the FinTech ecosystem are identified, the meaning of the "win-win" principle and the prospects for its development are revealed. It was determined that the FinTech ecosystem in the financial services market is a network of interconnected participants-partners on mutually beneficial terms with the aim of providing financial services and integrating depending on the requirements of the client and the external environment with the aim of obtaining a synergistic effect.


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