Keywords: management, museum, museum management, management functions, potential of the museum institution


The article is devoted to researching the theoretical foundations and defining specific features of museum management in the context of modern challenges. At the current stage of socio-economic and cultural transformations, which affect the processes of formation, development and effective functioning of museum institutions, the problems of their effective management are actualized. It has been proven that the development of museums in Ukraine requires experienced top and middle managers who are able to ensure the effective functioning and long-term survival of the institution in the conditions of rapid transformational changes. It was determined that museum management is a specific direction of management, which includes the theory and practice of managing the potential of the museum and its staff for the realization of its mission in the long term and the current goals arising from it. The main (planning, organization, motivation, control) and specific functions of management in museum work have been highlighted in the context of modern trends in the development of the cultural industry. Today, the processes of managing are require not only the concentrate in internal environment, but also building effective communications and, to some extent, business relations with agents of the external environment, namely business representatives, local authorities, international organizations, financial institutions and scientific community. On the basis of the conducted research, the specific features of the museum as a management object have characterized, which primarily consist in the uniqueness of the exhibition potential and the role of each museum in preserving the historical heritage and cultural heritage of the state, region, and individual territories. The article concludes that the peculiarities of museum management consist in taking into account the uniqueness of each museum institution, which leaves its mark on the processes of implementing classic administrative procedures, setting goals for its development and effective realization of the existing potential.


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How to Cite
Milashovska, O., & Khaustova, K. (2022). FEATURES OF MANAGEMENT IN THE MUSEUM. Economic Scope, (180), 144-147. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/180-23