Keywords: sports and health activities, global challenges, COVID-19, features of management, tasks


Globalization processes affect all spheres of economic activity, including sports and health activities, changing this management style. It should be noted that globalization can, directly and indirectly, affect sports and health activities, having significant consequences or vice versa. Such a modern challenge of globalization is COVID-19, recognized by the World Health Organization as a global pandemic. The aim of the study. The article aims to study the features and tasks of managing sports and health activities in the context of global challenges. Peculiarities and functions of managing sports and health activities in global challenges are studied. It was determined that a significant aspect in the management of sports and health activities is state regulation and support, which ensures the introduction of a healthy lifestyle and improvement of the physical and psychological state of the population. The main directions of state policy in regulating the market of sports and health activities are disclosed. They include organizational activities for holding mass competitions, sports and health events, and training highly qualified specialists. The directions of management of sports and health activities in Ukraine have been determined, including the development of the legislative and regulatory framework, improvement of the management structure, and transition to programmatic management. The factors that significantly impact the direction of sports and health activities include: funding systems; targeted improvement and improvement of the personnel training system and scientific and methodological support; expansion of international movements; the use of best practices. It is emphasized that among the main tasks of developing sports and health activities in Ukraine is a public-private partnership, which ensures an optimal combination of state management with the creation of conditions for market regulation of socio-economic processes in this field.


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How to Cite
Irtyshcheva, I., Bogatyrev, K., & Romanenko, S. (2022). FEATURES AND TASKS OF SPORTS AND HEALTH ACTIVITY MANAGEMENT UNDER GLOBAL CHALLENGES. Economic Scope, (180), 122-127. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/180-19