Keywords: investments, investment activity, maritime transport enterprises, statistical analysis, financial mathematics


This article examines the relevance of statistical analysis of the investment activity of maritime transport enterprises based on the methods of financial mathematics. Financial mathematics, as you know, is the quantitative part of financial analysis, which is aimed at solving a wide range of issues. Calculation of future money can be attributed to the elementary problems of financial mathematics, and the decisions related to investment are among the complex problems. The purpose of this article is to conduct a static analysis of the investment activity of maritime transport enterprises and develop a model for optimizing the investment strategy in maritime transport. Despite the large output in this area, the areas of statistical analysis and optimization of investment activities have not been sufficiently studied, especially in maritime transport enterprises. Therefore, it is important to systematize the approach to information collection and statistical data analysis with the aim of creating a clear information base, on the basis of which it is possible to increase the volume of investments. During the research, the following statistical methods were used, namely, methods of analysis and synthesis - when conducting a statistical assessment of capital investments; comparison and generalization – to establish the relationship between value, information and risk; factor modeling - for the development of optimization of inflationary processes based on the methods of financial mathematics. In this article, a statistical analysis of the optimization model of the investment strategy in maritime transport was carried out. As a result, the obtained optimal investment plan is proposed to be used in maritime transport enterprises, namely in ports and stevedoring companies, it leads them to a kind of highway that should be followed in this environment. Thus, the article revealed the existing problems of investment activities at maritime transport enterprises, proved that for an effective investment strategy, it is necessary to take into account the assessment of risks associated with the investment of funds and the statistical analysis of investment projects with the involvement of financial mathematics methods.


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