Keywords: project management, digitization, investment projects, agile, scrum


To the financial, economic and technological risks in the management of high-tech companies in modern conditions, the risks of losses due to the occurrence of unavoidable circumstances have been added. The activity of any commercial organization can be described as a set of business projects that are continuously developed and implemented to achieve the existing organizational mission. The scientific and technological revolution and the digitization of society have changed approaches to project management, enriching its methodology thanks to the experience of high-tech companies, including those engaged in software development. Power-generating enterprises use the latest approaches to project management to implement solutions to minimize electricity losses and increase the reliability of power supply to consumers. Effective project management is impossible without the use of tools automation. To support the implementation of projects at various stages exists a large number of software complexes, the purpose of which is to increase effectiveness of the project implementation (meaning the implementation of the project in as a whole, following its separate stages in the specified terms within the approved framework appropriations). Ensure effective project management without using modern information and computer technologies, without automation, almost impossible. Since the majority of modern electricity transmission networks were built in the 1960s and 1970s according to the norms of the late 1950s, their condition remains extremely unsatisfactory. After the denationalization of the power generation and transmission sector, it was hoped that private operators would begin a large-scale infrastructure upgrade with their own and borrowed funds. However, this was hindered by the low tariffs set by the state regulator based on a formula that took into account the company's operating costs, the percentage of projected losses and a small part (1-3%) of the investment component, which was enough to maintain the networks in working order, but not for their modernization.


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How to Cite
Bardas, A., Bohach, K., & Dudnyk, A. (2022). APPLICATION OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT IN THE MANAGEMENT OF HIGH-TECH ENTERPRISES. Economic Scope, (180), 82-88.