• K. Serdyukov Kharkiv Institute of Finance of Kiev National Trade and Economic University
Keywords: innovative activity, personnel, R&D-project, corporate management, business entity


Economic growth at the level of a business entity is a result of the effective work of its employees, and the feature of innovative activity lies in its collective and creative nature. The main object of the article is to study the place of the R&D-project team in the corporate structure and to substantiate the significant role of the relationships between various interested parties in the corporate management system in terms of innovative activity. It has been proved that the R&D-project team consists of fully qualified, creative individuals who have different motives and personal qualities, who are not willing to work in the rigid framework imposed by corporate culture. This provokes the emergence of additional conflicts of interest both inside the group and the exacerbation of contradictions between the owners and team members, managers and team members. However, the organization of such a team can reduce the period of project implementation, the ability to respond promptly to changes, simplify the control system, ensures the interest of team members in the results of the project, reduces the level of non-acceptance of innovation in the team as a whole. It is expedient to refer to the general laws of management of teams of R & D projects: the professionalism of the team and providing it with all necessary resources; autonomy and maximum attention; coverage of the results achieved by it. Also, factors that inhibit the effectiveness of the R & D project team have been defined. The most influential of these are: prior experience that blocks the ability to see something new, uncertainty of functions, the lack of interest of managers and owners in the results of innovation, constraints in the communications system, autocratic leadership style, ineffective management: distrust of the ideas that are formed at lower levels, excessive bureaucracy, total control, incorrect behavior and statements, marginal decision-making, interference of other departments in the evaluation of proposals and decisions, constant criticism and threats. The patterns and given recommendations provided in the article will help to improve the efficiency of the activities of both the business entity as a whole and corporate management in particular.


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How to Cite
Serdyukov, K. (2019). R&D-PROJECT TEAM IN CORPORATE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Economic Scope, (145), 160-169. Retrieved from http://prostir.pdaba.dp.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/111