Keywords: social partnership, social dialogue, labor disputes, collective


The article analyzes the current problems of social partnership in Ukraine and examines foreign experience in the mechanisms of its implementation. Social partnership is one of the basic principles of functioning of a modern democratic society, an important tool for the implementation of social policy of the state, a means of preventing and resolving social conflicts. Its special role in the system of social and labor relations necessitates the study of the current state, trends and problems of development in order to find ways to solve them. The need to improve the domestic social partnership system is due to significant problems in the labor market facing the country, such as low employment with a gender gap, high labor emigration, high unemployment and significant skills mismatch. According to the reports of the National Mediation and Conciliation Service, an increase in the number of social and labor disputes (conflicts) in Ukraine has been revealed. An analysis of the structure of claims made by participants in labor disputes, found that 50% of them relate to non-compliance with labor legislation. The indicator of arrears of wages is analyzed, the conclusion about its active dynamics is made. The article draws attention to the existence of gender inequality in Ukraine in terms of access to decent work, analyzes the causes of discrimination against women in employment and pay. The author notes that the effectiveness of the social partnership system in Ukraine is low, it does not meet the requirements of society to address important economic and social issues. Among the reasons for this situation are the dominance of paternalistic sentiments in the minds of citizens, the weakness of trade unions, the formal nature of the collective bargaining process, the dominance of employers in social dialogue, non-compliance with collective agreements, corruption and a significant share of the shadow economy. Foreign experience of mechanisms of realization of social partnership is investigated. Foreign models of social partnership, such as Swedish and German, are singled out, their content and features are revealed. According to the results of the study, a conclusion was made about the need to use foreign experience to increase the effectiveness of the social partnership system in Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Lunova, T. (2022). PROBLEMS OF SOCIAL PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE . Economic Scope, (180), 16-20.