Keywords: electronic money, real time, payment system, financial technologies, Fintech, electronic wallets


The majority of payment solutions in the field of electronic money in Ukraine are implemented on top of card payment systems. At the same time, a number of factors, including the digitization of the economy, orientation towards the European vector of development, the need to counteract the outflow of funds from the country, determine the urgency of developing a competitive national electronic money payment system. The more complex functionality of the electronic money institutions (EMI) determines the more complex structure of the organization of cash flows in the system. At the same time, European legislation clearly regulates the need for the payment system to comply with a number of conditions. In particular, at any moment the sum of balances on all internal wallets of the system must be identical to the balance on the system bank account. The issue of developing a general model of the movement of all types of funds in EMI in real time is still unresolved, which increases the risk of errors at the EMI design stage and ultimately leads to an increase in costs for the full cycle of development of the payment system. The purpose of the article is to develop a model of the movement and distribution of cash flows in the electronic money payment system in real time, which ensures compliance with the conditions of the regulator and the requirements of economic security. The article examines the general structure and main types of payment operations in the electronic money system, derives and substantiates the ratio that determines the liquidity of such a system. The set of basic and auxiliary operations in real modern electronic money systems is considered. A static model for ensuring the integrity of cash flows in electronic payment systems has been built. A model of cash flows in the electronic money system is proposed, which allows considering all basic and technical transactions of the system within one scheme in real time. The proposed model provides accounting of transactions of various types on various electronic wallets, which facilitates not only control over transactions, but also subsequent modernization and adaptation of the system to changing market needs.


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How to Cite
Mints, A., & Sidelov, P. (2022). MODELING CASH FLOWS IN ELECTRONIC PAYMENT SYSTEMS IN REAL TIME. Economic Scope, (178), 83-88.