• T. Polova Kharkiv Trade and Economics Institute of Kyiv National Trade and Economics University
  • I. Porsiurova Kharkiv Trade and Economics Institute of Kyiv National Trade and Economics University
Keywords: audit, securities transactions, audit stages, audit procedures, auditor's worksheet, inventory


Assessment of financial transactions efficiency is a significant trend in control for enterprises engaged in securities transactions under the conditions of globalization of financial market. The functioning performance of a business entity depends on proper audit fulfillment, which consists in continuous supervision and revision efficacy of operational consequences of securities transactions. The audit examines the effectiveness of accounting and control systems concerning the performed transactions with this type of assets and liabilities. The purpose of this article is to research the audit stages of securities transactions, appropriate audit procedures and common mistakes. The objectives of the research are to determine the objects, functions, information base of the audit, as well as the stages of its performance; determination of audit procedures and working documents of an auditor, which are an informative source for further formation of a true audit conclusion. The methodology of the research is a set of scientific methods of systematic and comparative analysis, which made it possible to thoroughly investigate the performance of securities transactions audit of the economic entities. For this issue, the following scientific methods have been applied: cognition as analysis, generalization, grouping, comparison. A worksheet for accounting correctness checking of the securities transactions results has been proposed, which could allow to systematize the information received by an auditor and to make the informed decisions. The emphasis has been placed on the importance of securities inventory, which is an effective audit procedure for irregularities detecting during the securities transactions at the enterprise. The next stage of the research is to define the analytical procedures for the securities transactions audit, to develop the new analytical tables, which could allow the auditor to perform the audit more effectively. An important further area of research is the audit of financial reporting on securities transactions under international standards, particularities of the valuation of securities for various transactions carried out by an enterprise.


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How to Cite
Polova, T., & Porsiurova, I. (2019). MODERN ORGANIZATIONAL BASICS OF AUDIT OF AN ENTERPRISE SECURITIES TRANSACTIONS. Economic Scope, (145), 139-148. Retrieved from